The Dandenong Chess Club promotes the enjoyment of chess for all members, visiting participants, and supporters, organizing tournaments and providing services to enhance chess skills.

All individuals involved, including participants, supporters, or spectators, are required to behave appropriately, including:

  • Compliance with the “Child Safety and Abuse Prevention Policy.”
  • Avoid seeking or providing outside assistance to chess games in progress, whether through comments, discussions, electronic devices, or any other means.
  • Agreement to abide by any decision or direction from the Arbiter of an event.
  • Avoiding discussions or agreements on the outcome or direction of any chess game before or during the game, except with an offer or acceptance of a drawn game.
  • Not causing distractions to participants through noise, proximity, or any other action.
  • Respecting all in attendance by observing common courtesy.
  • Adhering to the club’s “nut-free” policy, prohibiting the consumption of nuts on the premises, including snacks with a nut component.

The “Code Of Ethics” for the Australian Chess Federation can be found on its website under “By-Laws“.

Any concerns should be immediately raised with the arbiter in charge of an event or any committee member.

Breaches of this Code of Conduct may be addressed by counseling, informal or formal warnings, club bans, or referral to the police or other relevant authorities.